
how to add friends in discord

Discord is chatting and sharing app which you can use when you play the games or chatting with friends and also provide text to speech. Discord Group dm(discord direct message) is best way to do discord group chat with limited group of people without creating discord channel and using this you can avoid frequent messages coming from other users in channel but discord group dm limit is 10 so you cannot add friends more than limit . In this article we have cover how to use discord group chat messages and safety and security options available in discord group chat.

how to make a group chat on discord ?

how to make a group chat on discord ? This is very simple you have to follow following steps:

step 1: Click on Friends icon in discord

Step 2: It will show you Friends in all category . There are four categories of friends -All,Online, Pending and Blocked.

Step 3: At upper right corner there is invite button you have to press that button to display all the friends in your friends list.

Step 4: In Discord Group Message section you can add maximum 10 friends with whom you will do chatting or sharing music.

Step 5: if you do not have any friend then send friend request using upper right icon. To add person in Discord Group message he must be in your friend list.

How to make a Discord Group DM on Desktop

We have explain how to use discord group message on Desktop. for this you have to sign in into Once you sign in into you will see following screen. Where you can see Library , Nitro and Friends.

discord group messages

Click on the friends which shows you friend list . which shows your online, blocked and pending friends.Now at top right corner you will find New Group DM Button shown in following figure.

click on Discord group dm icon with plus sign

After pressing this button you will find friends available in your friend list and you can select to whom you have to add in to discord group message editor. At max discord group chat limit is 10 users in one group message system in discord.

How to make a Discord Group DM on Mobile

The procedure is as same as we have done on desktop to create group message. We are sharing screen shot to show how to use DM on mobile.

first image shows how to start discord group dm in mobile and second image shows how to add friends in group dm.

Invite friends in discord group dm and Create Group DM

How to leave a discord group dm

Once you create the group dm in discord. you have to add the friends and now if you want to kik off some on from discord group dm do following steps

  1. Click on Group dm
  2. click on Friends icon at top right corner
  3. Show you all the friends at right sides
  4. Right click on name of the friend you want to remove
  5. Click on remove from Group shown in menu
  6. Will remove friend from group dm.

How to delete history meesages from group dm

To remove all the history messages from group dm you need to follow the steps:

  1. Click on the message you want to delete
  2. Click on the right side three dots will display following figure
  3. click on Delete message which prompt you the delete message dialogue box. Press Delete to delete the message.
Prompt by discord to delete message

We fill this is very much tidy process and it will take time to delete all the messages. Once you fine through then it will take second to delete such message.

Our personal advice is not to use any user bot or script to delete messages other wise discord will block your account.

Frequently ask questions about Discord group dm

Does closing a DM on Discord remove the messages from both sides?

No once you close the discord client no messages are deleted from discord group dm. You have to manually delete it from both the side of users.

Can I recover the Delete chat in Discord DM?

No You can't recover the deleted messages in Discord DM.

Discord group dm safety and privacy setting

Go to Discord->user settings->privacy and safety section.

saftey and security in discord dm

Option 1: Keep me safe: when doing this discord will scan all the messages send by person who is not in your friend list and in your friend list.

option 2: My friends are nice : allow to received all the messages from friends without parsing and parse only messages from personal which are not your friends.

Option 3: I live on the edge : Disable the parsing of dm messages.


We have try our best to show how to use discord message dm in desktop and in mobile handset . if you find anything more then please mention in comment section.

how to add friends in discord


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